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OEQELAB, Seoul National University

NCRCAPAS, Seoul National University

논문보다가 막힌 부분 설명좀~~

김휘 2009.06.16 04:56 조회 수 : 12794 추천:77

Three-dimensional optical metamaterial with
a negative refractive index

X.Z. group, Nature vol 455, 376-380, 2008


1. 첫페이지 두번째 칼럼의 아랫부분을 좀 더 잘 설명해 줄 사람?

This cascading leads to a strong magneto-inductive
coupling between neghbouting functional layers.
As demonstrated recently, the tight coupling between
adjacent LC resonators through mutual inductance results
in a broadband negative index of refraction wtih low loss,
which is similar to the material response of left-handed transmission

2. Fig. 4d 와 Fig. 4e의 field distribution이 각각 bandgap 아래와 위의
경우에 해당한다고 하는데, 이 그림이 뭘 의미하는지, 잘 이해가 안됨.
