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OEQELAB, Seoul National University

NCRCAPAS, Seoul National University

Here is the UIUC.

"Kim, Jungho" 2001.07.19 13:08 조회 수 : 10548 추천:295

Hi, everyone.

Here is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

I arrived at the university yesterday.

I have not yet gotten computer systems for writing in Korean.

But, I can read Korean messages.

Because everything is not familiar, I feel that I return the era

of the infancy. But, I believe that the situation goes well

as I am accustomed to the environment of this area.

I meet Professor Chuang today.

He is very kind. From his lab. tour, I feel that the OEQE lab. is

very very rich.

My office room is the next to the room of Professor Chuang.

My office address is as follows.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

374A William L. Everitt Laboratory

1406 West Green Street

Urbana, IL 61801

tel) 217-333-7281


Jungho Kim

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
454 이지현 PC 우수논문상 수상 이병호 2006.11.15 4529
453 그룹미팅 방장 2001.11.15 4530
452 제271차 그룹미팅 정태린 2013.05.28 4535
451 Call for papers 이병호 2001.09.28 4549
450 공지사항 알림 2002.03.22 4555
449 OEQEL Awards 이병호 2001.12.03 4559
448 Re:뉴스- 교수님 젊은 과학자상 수상 소식 이병호 2001.12.12 4574
447 세미나 안내 이병호 2006.05.09 4580
446 [삼성SDI]병역특례 전문연구요원 모집 방장 2002.01.04 4581
445 Re:여기는 추수감사절 휴일입니다. 이병호 2001.11.28 4581