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OEQELAB, Seoul National University

NCRCAPAS, Seoul National University

세미나 안내

이병호 2006.05.09 20:52 조회 수 : 4580 추천:116

Synthetic Aperture Optics and Its Application to Biotechnology

강사 : 유재관 박사 (Affymetrix, Inc.)

시간 : 2006년 5월 10일 (수) 오후 4:00 ~

장소 : 서울대학교 뉴미디어통신공동연구소 1층 세미나 1실


In conventional optical microscopy, the numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens intrinsically links the resolution, depth of field (DOF), working distance (WD) and field of view (FOV). In a diffraction-limited system, changing the NA to improve resolution is not possible without degrading the other optical performances. This linkage, which represents an important limitation in conventional microscopy, has now been broken. In the new method, a target is illuminated by a sequence of finely textured light patterns generated by interference of multiple coherent beams that converge in a cone.

The corresponding sequence of brightness values, measured by a single photodetector (e.g., a single pixel of a CCD), encodes the target’s sub-pixel contrast pattern. Fourier domain components at spatial frequencies contained in the probing illumination patterns can be recovered from the pixel brightness sequence by solving a set of over-determined linear equations, leading to boosting the amount of information captured by the sensor. For a given wavelength, the resolution of the reconstructed image is primarily determined by the NA of the cone of beams, rather than the NA of the microscope objective. A low NA objective, with large DOF, long WD, and large FOV, can be used without compromising resolution.

Short Biography

- AFFYMETRIX, INC. Santa Clara, CA - Affymetrix Laboratories, Staff Scientist, 2004

- HARVARD UNIVERSITY-MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) - MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics –Ph. D., 2003

- SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - School of Electrical Engineering - Master of Science, 1996

- SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - Bachelor of Science, 1994.

- SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - Dept. of Microbiology - Bachelor of Science, 1992.
