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OEQELAB, Seoul National University

NCRCAPAS, Seoul National University

세미나 - 김주환 박사

이병호 2015.07.16 00:17 조회 수 : 409

제 목 Challenges in Displays for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

강 사 김주환 박사


시 간 2015716(목요일) 오후 3

장 소 제1신공학관 3011112




As the era of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) dawns, displays are being confronted with a new set of challenges. Unlike the requirements for conventional displays, VR/AR asks displays for the level of performance such that the viewer can believe what s/he sees is real in every sense. The new requirements include not only the well-known properties for displays (frame rate, resolution, field of view, and bit depth) but also properties which had been rather unimportant but will be critical (system latency and pixel persistence). Accurate spatial representation is crucial in VR/AR, which adds more requirements such as stereoscopic views, realistic focal cues, and precise spatial registration of the images. On top of all these requirements, fast cooperation between displays and other devices (eye and head tracker, sound system, etc.) is vital for ultimate realism. Meeting all these requirements is very hard despite the remarkable advance of modern technology. Understanding human perception is the key to solving this problem or to finding the best available solution. In this talk, I will present an overview of the requirements of displays for VR/AR with the related properties of human perception. I will also introduce several attempts that overcame the technical challenges by exploiting the properties of human perception.



Joohwan Kim received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Seoul National University in 2003, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from Seoul National University in 2009. After working as a postdoctoral researcher from 2009 to 2015 at the University of California, Berkeley, he now works at Nvidia as a research scientist. His research interests include visual perception, visual discomfort, and novel displays.
