Citation report 9

2004.08.23 18:26

이병호 조회 수:3458 추천:88


Depth and lateral size control of three-dimensional images in projection integral imaging

Jang JS, Javidi B

Optics Express, vol. 12, no. 16, pp. 3778-3790, 2004.

Authors' addresses:

Pukyong National University, Korea

University of Connecticut, USA


Y. Kim, J. Park, H. Choi, S. Jung, S. Min, and B. Lee, “Viewing-angle-enhanced integral imaging system using a curved lens array,” Opt. Express 12, 421-429 (2004).

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1339 우수과학인력 5급 공무원 특별채용 공고 이병호 2004.09.02 3761
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1336 그룹미팅 방장 2004.08.26 3396
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1334 Citation report 12 이병호 2004.08.23 3439
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» Citation report 9 이병호 2004.08.23 3458
1330 Citation report 8 이병호 2004.08.23 3422

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