세미나 안내 2

2003.12.21 19:38

이병호 조회 수:3659 추천:124

제 목 : Understanding the Intricacies of North American Photonics Market

강 사 : Dr. Sri Nathan

소 속 : Liwana Technologies, CEO

강사이력 :

Dr. Sri Nathan is currently an independent consultant for creating startup opportunities, and also is currently serving as the CEO of an early stage optical amplifier module development company. Prior to this he was the CEO and President of Jasmine Networks, a Metro Optics Sub-System Company. Sri was instrumental in increasing the valuation of the company from $40M to $220M, and raised $60M in the venture market. He also played key role in securing multi-million dollar contracts with few leading system vendors.

Prior to Jasmine Networks Sri served as the Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Business Development for Qtera Corporation and secured multi-year contract totaling US $1B. He also played key role in successfully selling the company to Nortel Networks for US $3.25B (January 2000). He also held various Engineering, Business Development and Management positions in MCI and Nortel Networks prior to starting Qtera Corporation. Sri earned his Ph.D. in Management and Administrative Science and an advanced degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas. He has a B.S. in Engineering from Madras University (India). He holds twelve patents in optical technology applications, many publications and an avid speaker in various conferences.

시 간 : 2003년 12월 23일 화요일 오후 10시

장 소 : 신공학관 301동 1121호


This presentation will introduce various strategies that can be adopted to successfully penetrate the North American Optical Network Markets. Some fundamentals of approaching the market will be introduced and detailed discussion will be around the expectations of the market for a component, module, sub-system or a system vendor, in the Photonics segment.

An evaluation of various end network operators will be provided to demonstrate the differences in approaches to an Access Vs. Metro Vs. Long-haul network operators. A sample approach to succeed in this market will be provided along with historic approaches and perspectives. Presenter will also give high-level information based on his personal experience in successfully penetrating the market. Discussion will conclude with a step-by-step process required to be effective in North America.

문의 : 박남규 교수(1820)


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