H-index = 33

2010.12.18 20:46

이병호 조회 수:11459 추천:14

약속한 대로 연말에 데이터를 조사/공개한다.

Scopus 데이터에 따르면 우리연구실의 H-index는 33이다. 다음은 그 33개 논문의 피인용 회수(논문별 맨 마지막 숫자가 피인용 회수, 그 옆의 이름이 첫저자명)

1  Review of the present status of optical fiber sensors
Lee, B.  2003 Optical Fiber Technology 9 (2), pp. 57-79  
260  (이병호)
2  Analysis of viewing parameters for two display methods based on integral photography
Park, J.-H., Min, S.-W., Jung, S., Lee, B.  2001 Applied Optics 40 (29), pp. 5217-5232  
115  (박재형 교수)
3  Three-dimensional display by use of integral photography with dynamically variable image planes
Lee, B., Jung, S., Min, S.-W., Park, J.-H.  2001 Optics Letters 26 (19), pp. 1481-1482  
88  (이병호)
4  Viewing-angle-enhanced integral imaging by lens switching
Lee, B., Jung, S., Park, J.-H.  2002 Optics Letters 27 (10), pp. 818-820  
82  (이병호)
5  Enhanced three-dimensional integral imaging system by use of double display devices
Min, S.W., Javidi, B., Lee, B.  2003 Applied Optics 42 (20), pp. 4186-4195  
78  (민성욱 교수)
6  Vector field microscopic imaging of light
Lee, K.G., Kihm, H.W., Kihm, J.E., Choi, W.J., Kim, H., Ropers, C., Park, D.J., (...), Kim, D.S.  2007 Nature Photonics 1 (1), pp. 53-56  
58  (김대식 교수님 방 학생)

7  Wavelength-switchable erbium-doped fiber ring laser using spectral polarization-dependent loss element
Lee, Y.W., Lee, B.  2003 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 15 (6), pp. 795-797  
55  (이용욱 교수)
8  Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature by use of a single-fiber Bragg grating and an erbium-doped fiber amplifier
Jung, J., Nam, H., Lee, J.H., Park, N., Lee, B.  1999 Applied Optics 38 (13), pp. 2749-2751  
52  (정재훈 교수)
공동 9위  Computational reconstruction of three-dimensional objects in integral imaging using lenslet array
Shin, D.-H., Kim, E.-S., Lee, B.  2005 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 44 (11), pp. 8016-8018  
50  (신동학 박사(타교))
공동 9위 Volume hologram scheme using optical fiber for spatial multiplexing
Kang, Y.H., Kim, K.H., Lee, B.  1997 Optics Letters 22 (10), pp. 739-741  
50  (강용훈 박사)
11  Theoretical analysis for three-dimensional integral imaging systems with double devices
Lee, B., Min, S.-W., Javidi, B.  2002 Applied Optics 41 (23), pp. 4856-4865  
49  (이병호)
12  Depth-enhanced three-dimensional-two-dimensional convertible display based on modified integral imaging
Park, J.-H., Kim, H.-R., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Hong, J., Lee, S.-D., Lee, B.  2004 Optics Letters 29 (23), pp. 2734-2736  
46 (박재형 교수)  
공동 13위 Wide-viewing-angle integral three-dimensional imaging system by curving a screen and a lens array
Kim, Y., Park, J.-H., Min, S.-W., Jung, S., Choi, H., Lee, B.  2005 Applied Optics 44 (4), pp. 546-552
44 (김윤희 박사)
공동 13위  Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature by use of a single fiber Bragg grating written in an erbium:ytterbium-doped fiber
Jung, J., Park, N., Lee, B.  2000 Applied Optics 39 (7), pp. 1118-1120  
44  (정재훈 교수)
공동 13위  Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor with controllable sensitivity
Jung, J., Nam, H., Lee, B., Byun, J.O., Kim, N.S.  1999 Applied Optics 38 (13), pp. 2752-2754  
44 (정재훈 교수)  
공동 16위  Viewing-angle-enhanced integral imaging system using a curved lens array
Kim, Y., Park, J.-H., Choi, H., Jung, S., Min, S.-W., Lee, B.  2004 Optics Express 12 (3), pp. 421-429  
42 (김윤희 박사)  
공동 16위  Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Strain Using Two Fiber Bragg Gratings Embedded in a Glass Tube
Song, M., Lee, S.B., Choi, S.S., Lee, B.  1997 Optical Fiber Technology 3 (2), pp. 194-196  
42 (송민호 교수)
18 A fiber Bragg grating sensor demodulation technique using a polarization maintaining fiber loop mirror
Chung, S., Kim, J., Yu, B.-A., Lee, B.  2001 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 13 (12), pp. 1343-1345  
41 (정승환 박사)
19  Multiwavelength-Switchable SOA-Fiber Ring Laser Based on Polarization-Maintaining Fiber Loop Mirror and Polarization Beam Splitter
Lee, Y.W., Jung, J., Lee, B.  2004 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16 (1), pp. 54-56  
40 (이용욱 박사)  
공동 20위  Depth extraction by use of a rectangular lens array and one-dimensional elemental image modification
Park, J.-H., Jung, S., Choi, H., Kim, Y., Lee, B.  2004 Applied Optics 43 (25), pp. 4882-4895  
39 (박재형 교수)

공동 20위  Interferometric temperature-insensitive strain measurement with different-diameter fiber Bragg gratings
Song, M., Lee, B., Lee, S.B., Choi, S.S.  1997 Optics Letters 22 (11), pp. 790-792  
39 (송민호 교수)  
22  Three-dimensional display system based on computer-generated integral photography
Min, S.-W., Jung, S., Park, J.-H., Lee, B.  2001 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4297, pp. 187-195  
38 (민성욱 교수)  
공동 23위  Integral imaging with multiple image planes using a uniaxial crystal plate
Park, J.-H., Jung, S., Choi, H., Lee, B.  2003 Optics Express 11 (16), pp. 1862-1875  
36 (박재형 교수)  
공동 23위  Multiple-viewing-zone integral imaging using a dynamic barrier array for three-dimensional displays
Choi, H., Min, S.-W., Jung, S., Park, J.-H., Lee, B.  2003 Optics Express 11 (8), pp. 927-932  
36  (최희진 교수)
공동 23위  Experiments on chaos synchronization in two separate erbium-doped fiber lasers
Kim, S., Lee, B., Kim, D.H.  2001 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 13 (4), pp. 290-292  
36  (김성철 교수)
공동 26위  Effective shooting algorithm and its application to fiber amplifiers
Liu, X., Lee, B.  2003 Optics Express 11 (12), pp. 1452-1461  
35  (수에밍 리우 교수)
공동 26위  Characteristics of short-period blazed fiber Bragg gratings for use as macro-bending sensors
Baek, S., Jeong, Y., Lee, B.  2002 Applied Optics 41 (4), pp. 631-636  
35 (백승인 박사)  
공동 26위  Electrically Controllable Long-Period Liquid Crystal Fiber Gratings
Jeong, Y., Yang, B., Lee, B., Seo, H.S., Choi, S., Oh, K.  2000 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 12 (5), pp. 519-521  
35 (정윤찬 교수)  
공동 26위  Temperature-independent strain sensor system using a tilted fiber bragg grating demodulator
Kang, S.C., Kim, S.Y., Lee, S.B., Kwon, S.W., Choi, S.S., Lee, B.  1998 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 10 (10), pp. 1461-1463  
35 (강성철 박사)  
공동 30위  Off-axis directional beaming of optical field diffracted by a single subwavelength metal slit with asymmetric dielectric surface gratings
Kim, S., Kim, H., Lim, Y., Lee, B.  2007 Applied Physics Letters 90 (5), art. no. 051113  
34 (김세윤)  
공동 30위  Multiwavelength-switchable SOA-fibre ring laser using sampled Hi-Bi fibre grating
Yu, B.-A., Kwon, J., Chung, S., Seo, S.-W., Lee, B.  2003 Electronics Letters 39 (8), pp. 649-650  
34 (유봉안 박사)  
공동 32위  Multidirectional curved integral imaging with large depth by additional use of a large-aperture lens
Shin, D.-H., Lee, B., Kim, E.-S.  2006 Applied Optics 45 (28), pp. 7375-7381  
33 (신동학 박사(타교))  
공동 32위 Three-dimensional display scheme based on integral imaging with three-dimensional information processing
Park, J.-H., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Min, S.-W., Lee, B.  2004 Optics Express 12 (24), pp. 6020-6032  
33 (박재형 교수)  
공동 32위  A fast and stable method for Raman amplifier propagation equations
Liu, X., Lee, B.  2003 Optics Express 11 (18), pp. 2163-2176
33  (수에밍 리우 교수)
공동 32위  Study for wide-viewing integral photography using an aspheric Fresnel-lens array
Min, S.-W., Jung, S., Park, J.-H., Lee, B.  2002 Optical Engineering 41 (10), pp. 2572-2576  
33 (민성욱 교수)  

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